I apologised briefly and left

I apologised briefly and left

Day 89 of my tree puja.

It would help if you understood the three gunas - tamas, rajas and sattwa. In brief: inertia/darkness, activity/ego and flow/light. They are the attributes of everything, and we are subject to them.

Yesterday I went in my socks and clogs. It is growing cold, I had them on and forgot to remove them for puja…

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I am back from India

I am back from India

Day 53 of my tree puja.

I return after more than a month. It’s midsummer and the tree is coping with midsummer heat.

While I was away, all the long grasses and undergrowth were cleared from the front garden, so that there is open space through to the road. I gather that this disturbed the tree at the time and still does. I apologised. But where are the devas to live?

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August_2009, Spirituality, Deep Ecology, Tree Puja Helen Cushing August_2009, Spirituality, Deep Ecology, Tree Puja Helen Cushing

The tree ignored me completely.

Day 25 of my tree puja. Dawn is the traditional time for the spiritual practice of yoga and meditation, when we are transitioning from the unconsciousness of sleep to the activities of the day. There is a special atmosphere of peace and quiet which we become part of. Today I discover the power of that time, by missing it.

I went after sunrise when it was light; it was too late…

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