I apologised briefly and left
Vedic mantras chanted for peace - shanti
3rd March, 2010
Yesterday I went in my socks and clogs. It is growing cold, I had them on and forgot to remove them for puja. I did the puja but felt no connection because I was not open, I was in a self-centred state. So, I apologised briefly and left.
My inner tension was soon healed by chanting the tapowan mantras, mantras of the forest ascetics of ancient India. It took all my yoga practice, plus the mantras, to remove the blockage, the tamas, the stuckness in ego. Then the day flowed happily.
This morning, I was not going to do any puja. It is only tamas that creates such a mental state. But I wanted the jyoti to be lit, and once I start with that, it’s all on and must be completed.
With the tree, I relate and offer.
The ground was cold, the season is now autumn. The tree moves into this change without resistance.