I went also at dusk today

Dramatic sunset with deep orange and red clouds and a strip of land.

Today I went at sunset, instead of sunrise, and felt the difference.

20th February, 2010

I went also at dusk today, as the teachings recommend.

I squatted under her boughs, closed eyes, poured water into the warm, dry earth. Immediately I felt how her energy, and all the movement of nature was downward. The energy is moving down into the earth. Her energy is flowing down, down into the earth, into the soil, as if for storage, for shelter, for rest, for protection, for preservation.

The soil, the earth, is the great holder of energy. There is an overwhelming pull into the ground at this hour.

I have left the oil lamp, the deepak, burning – to retain the sun’s memory awhile.


Don’t think


The experience of wind unites all beings