The ritual is peace
Day 60 of my tree puja.
New insights into the ritual are revealed to me. I develop an understanding of esoteric ideas in the yoga tradition associated with Hindu deities.
It’s like a mudra, an energy conductor. It is the energy of shelter, and protection, and compassion, which is also in the whole ritual…
Everything is about energy
Day 57 of my tree puja.
Structure and energy and continuum are the themes at the moment.
…the energy of the ritual has somehow been captured, stabilised, and strengthened.
Sit Quietly and Listen
Day 40 of my tree puja. The surging energy engulfs me, welcoming me into its organic totality of self.
Birds are singing and racketing all around. Lapwings call to one another, while smaller songbirds trill away in the background. I imagine the vibrations we sit amongst, the tree and me.
In the Deathliness of Space
Day 39 of my tree puja. With her spring blossom comes a fresh, enlivened energy and magic. My relationship with the ritual and the tree shifts into a deeper, more subtle and intimate place.
...bunches of petals have emerged from wood, a common miracle. She surrounds me. I squat, eyes closed, hands joined in prayer; I think towards her.
Remember the Purpose of the Flower
Day 36 of my tree puja. Still raining and cold, but the tree is awakening.
She is busy with pregnancy and production. All efforts are in that direction, with serenity and perfection of purpose. Remember the purpose of the flower...
Some aspect of me has merged with the tree.
Day 30 of my tree puja. I realise that the ritual has become part of me.
Something pulls me now to do the ritual and I don’t resist.