Not entirely a wild thing
Transforming farmland to bushland takes dedication, time and a lot of plants. This site is on the Canterbury Plains, New Zealand, adjoining a small patch of remnant bush.
25th February, 2010
The morning is a time of upward flowing energy. I felt it instantly, as I stood under the tree preparing the deepak (oil lamp).
My own energy is in a state of confusion and flux. There is energy of a certain type in me that is blocked and it’s running wild with nowhere to go.
In wild nature energy is always flowing, otherwise there is disaster and death. Humans are the only life form that compromise this state and create blocks, controls, boundaries etc., sometimes for good purpose, sometimes foolishly.
The tree that I go to, however, is not entirely a wild thing. She is, in fact, barren. This tree bears no fruit. She goes through all the motions but bears no fruit. She has the touch and trace of human intervention. Her energy of fecundity has nowhere to go.