I knew that something had changed
July_2009, Spirituality, Deep Ecology, Tree Puja Helen Cushing July_2009, Spirituality, Deep Ecology, Tree Puja Helen Cushing

I knew that something had changed

Day 21 of my tree puja. Sensing shifts in the tree’s energy according to the seasons was a remarkable aspect of the tree puja. Our urban, house-dwelling lives have desensitised us to this subtle knowledge. Reconnection comes with the routine of ritual.

And I knew that the tree was preparing for Spring, that its blood was starting to flow and its buds to swell.

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…as tired night lets go and day edges in.
July_2009, Spirituality, Deep Ecology, Tree Puja Helen Cushing July_2009, Spirituality, Deep Ecology, Tree Puja Helen Cushing

…as tired night lets go and day edges in.

Day 16 of my tree puja. In case you are wondering, the winter of 2009 was one of the wettest on record in Hobart. Stay with me, because eventually Spring bursts upon the scene! We’ve a way to go yet though.

I move from the inside realm, and into the presence of pre-dawn, still and pregnant, as tired night lets go and day edges in…

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Transformation is everywhere. It is the key to life.
June_2009, Spirituality, Deep Ecology, Tree Puja Helen Cushing June_2009, Spirituality, Deep Ecology, Tree Puja Helen Cushing

Transformation is everywhere. It is the key to life.

Day 12 of my tree puja. It was my daughter’s 20th birthday. She was in London. I was southern Tasmania with the wintery tree.

As I squatted under her limbs, I felt my own limbs – legs holding me upright, strong, and true like the tree’s trunk, my arms free, like her branches…

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