No words, no words, they don’t have words
Day 64 of my tree puja.
Without words we know each other.
The earth was cold. I was surrounded by the plants of the garden. They included me in their hold, I was welcome…
The ritual is peace
Day 60 of my tree puja.
New insights into the ritual are revealed to me. I develop an understanding of esoteric ideas in the yoga tradition associated with Hindu deities.
It’s like a mudra, an energy conductor. It is the energy of shelter, and protection, and compassion, which is also in the whole ritual…
Outside my bedroom window
Day 59 of my tree puja.
I suppose that feelings of acceptance and belonging go together.
Today I felt simple acceptance from the tree.
Offering and sacrifice open a pathway
Day 58 of my tree puja.
Important insights and realisations continue.
Suddenly I realised the sacrifice of life that is in the offering of a flower…
I, the human, the gardener…
Day 47 of my tree puja.
Why can’t I connect with the tree today? I suggest a few theories.
I felt separate, so I started weeding. I, the human, the gardener, the controller, the one who kills, and cuts, and pulls out by the roots…
The Emergency of Flowering
Day 46 of my tree puja.
I realised that the tree has been desperate to complete drama of flowering and finally grow new leaves. No leaves, no life.
No longer living on stored food, the tree has passed the time of hardship and the emergency of flowering. There is water in the soil and sun from the sky. The earth and air are warm; it can finally retreat and be at ease, all is taken care of.
Nature is on the Alert
Day 43 of my tree puja.
As the blossoms fade and fall, other flowers have their time in the sun. The movement, the cycling of the season is ceaseless.
Spring is a time of adjustment and work. The changes come so fast and so much is to be done. We see the beauty and it looks so effortless and relaxed, but that is appearance only. Nature is on the alert. So much must happen now.
How Arrogant are We Moderns
Day 37 of my tree puja. I reflect on the interaction of my feelings with the tree, and the importance of nature worship, which culture and modernity have rudely rejected.
how arrogant are we moderns, who have gutted nature and abused the wisdom of those who knew her, loved her, revered her and made offering to her...
The tree cannot walk but it never ceases to grow.
Day 28 of my tree puja. The seasons do not stand still. The brightness of flowers sprinkles the earth, while the tree is yet to emerge from her slumber. And yet, she has a message that helps me stabilise my mind today.
The tree said to me, be steady, be steadfast, one foot in front of the other, keep walking.
I made myself go to the tree.
Day 19 of my tree puja. Eclipse of the new moon.
As I placed the incense in the wet soil, I asked that all people be loved and respected as my teacher was.
…as tired night lets go and day edges in.
Day 16 of my tree puja. In case you are wondering, the winter of 2009 was one of the wettest on record in Hobart. Stay with me, because eventually Spring bursts upon the scene! We’ve a way to go yet though.
I move from the inside realm, and into the presence of pre-dawn, still and pregnant, as tired night lets go and day edges in…
Curious about the image? Keep reading…
The tree stood silent under the moon
Day 8 of my tree puja. In which I offer the warmth of my body to the cold soil.
This morning, I went to the tree, which shone in the moonlight.
Tears are little but they have big causes
Day 6 of my tree puja. Emotions come and go, but the tree is always grounded.
This morning with my bare feet I stubbed my toe on a rock in the dark.
Tree, you bring me outside
Day 5 of my tree puja. It’s warm and cosy inside. I venture out to meet the winter morning.
You bring me outside to feel the dripping rain and sodden, rough ground.
Puja ~ The Tree and Me
Tree puja (worship) is an Indian custom in which an offering is made to a tree. In 2009 I vowed to practice this ritual at dawn for one year. As the seasons passed, my relationship with the tree evolved.